
This is the archive page

2024  3

March  2

Anyone Can Audit! Users Can Lead Their Own Algorithmic Audits with IndieLabel

 · 4 min · Michelle S. Lam, Christina A. Pan, Carol Anderson, Nathan Butters, and Borhane Blili-Hamelin

ARVA Announces Support for Open Letter on Voluntary Safe Harbor Protections for Good Faith Testing of Generative AI Systems

 · 2 min · Borhane Blili-Hamelin, Carol Anderson, Jekaterina Novikova, Ric McLaughlin, Nathan Butters, Brian Pendleton, and Subho Majumdar

January  1

AVID Announces Integration with Giskard Scan

 · 3 min · Matteo Dora, Subho Majumdar

2023  10

December  1

AI Vulnerability Database: 2023 in review

 · 6 min · Subho Majumdar, Nathan Butters, Borhane Blili-Hamelin, Brian Pendleton

November  1

AVID Announces BiasAware - A Powerful Tool for Detecting Bias in Datasets

 · 7 min · Freyam Mehta, Sudipta Ghosh, Carol Anderson, Jekaterina Novikova and Subho Majumdar

July  1

AVID Announces Integration with garak, a Vulnerability Scanner for LLMs

 · 4 min · Leon Derczynski, Carol Anderson, and Subho Majumdar

June  1

ARVA Response to the NTIA AI Accountability Policy Request for Comment

 · 5 min · Carol Anderson

May  1

Large Language Models Can Steal Work and Spill Secrets. Here’s Why We Should Care.

 · 8 min · Carol Anderson

April  1

Guardrails on Large Language Models, Part 4: Content Moderation

 · 7 min · Carol Anderson

March  3

Guardrails on Large Language Models, Part 3: Prompt Design

 · 12 min · Carol Anderson

Guardrails on Large Language Models, Part 2: Model Fine Tuning

 · 5 min · Carol Anderson

Guardrails on Large Language Models, Part 1: Dataset Preparation

 · 3 min · Carol Anderson

January  1

Introducing AVID v0.1

 · 3 min · Subho Majumdar

2022  2

October  2

AVID Response to the NIST AI RMF

 · 3 min · Nathan Butters

Hello World!

 · 2 min · Kotti Sasikanth