

Enumerations used in AVID report and vulnerability datamodels.

class ArtifactTypeEnum(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

Whether the artifact is a dataset, model, or system.

class SepEnum(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

All (sub)categories of the SEP view of the AVID taxonomy.

class LifecycleEnum(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

All (sub)categories of the lifecycle view of the AVID taxonomy.

class ClassEnum(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

All report/vulnerability classes.

class TypeEnum(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

All report/vulnerability types.

class MethodEnum(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

The values a detection method can take.